Wisteria planting, pruning and after care
7th May 2010, by Lucy Summers
Wisteria is the king of climbers. It is the stateliest of climbing plants, with an imperial elegance, enchanting fragrance and the most spectacular flowers.
The wisterias are vigorous twining deciduous climbers with light green pinnate leaves, but it is the fragrant chandeliered flowers that you can see at this time of year that make them so admired.
There are a great many varieties to choose from, some with larger flower pendants than others, and each with its own individual appeal. All, without exception, are highly perfumed, widely esteemed and ornamental.
If you want to grow wisteria take time to plant it in an ideal spot, where it has plenty of room to grow – it can potentially grow into a large climber
Some are tempted to grow wisteria over a large garden structure, but, because of the relatively brief flower period, it is best teamed up with later flowering clematis or roses to extend the period of interest.
Which ever wisteria you plump for, they all need:
- Full sun
- Fertile, well-drained soil
- Strong supports from the outset – these are potentially very large heavy plants
- Careful formative pruning – this will prevent them from being all leaf and no flower
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